Details 'AR500 mit ER120'




AR500 mit ER120
Opsis AB
4 Wochen



NO2 µg/m³
    Zertifizierungsbereich 0,00 400,00
    Zusätzlicher Messbereich 0,00 1.800,00
O3 µg/m³
    Zertifizierungsbereich 0,00 360,00
    Zusätzlicher Messbereich 0,00 500,00
SO2 µg/m³
    Zertifizierungsbereich 0,00 700,00
    Zusätzlicher Messbereich 0,00 1.000,00

Einschränkungen und Hinweise

Keine Einschränkungen vorhanden

The measuring path length during performance testing was 320 m.

The maintenance interval is four weeks.

Equivalence with the reference measurement methods according to the guideline „Demonstration of Equivalence of Ambient Air Monitoring Methods“ has been demonstrated for the components NO2, SO2 and O3

Functional tests by external sample gas feeding are possible

Supplementary testing (Demonstration of Equivalence for the component SO2 according the guideline “Demonstration of Equivalence of Ambient Air Monitoring Methods”) as regards Federal Environment Agency notices of 25 January 2010 (BAnz. p. 552, chapter III no. 1.1).

The AR500 measuring system with ER120 for NO2, SO2 and O3 manufactured by Opsis AB can also be operated with the transmitter/receiver units ER 110 and ER150.

The step motor for the automatic grid finding type RDM 543/100A, of manufacturer BERGER LAHR, in the AR500 measuring system with ER120 for NO2, SO2 and O3, of the company Opsis AB, was discontinued and therefore replaced by the step motor for the automatic grid finding type RDM 545/100A of manufacturer BERGER LAHR.


TÜV Rheinland Energie und Umwelt GmbH
11.02.2025 00:00:00

Prüfbericht-Nr.: 936/21211350/B vom 07. Oktober 2011


Zertifikat 0000025927_03_opsis_AR500_de.pdf 31.10.2022